Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.

Uniform ORDER


Boys Lacrosse (9-14yrs)

~ Between Oct 1st and Jan 31st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded the entire seasonal registration fee paid, less $50 for administrative purposes. ~ Between Feb 1st and Mar 1st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded one half of the seasonal registration fee paid.* ~ After Mar 1st there will be no registration fee refund.* * Withdrawl due to Medical reasons: Refunds will be evaluated on a per case basis and prorated to a maximum of one-third of the registration fee.

Girls Lacrosse (9-14yrs)

~ Between Oct 1st and Jan 31st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded the entire seasonal registration fee paid, less $50 for administrative purposes. ~ Between Feb 1st and Mar 1st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded one half of the seasonal registration fee paid.* ~ After Mar 1st there will be no registration fee refund.* * Withdrawl due to Medical reasons: Refunds will be evaluated on a per case basis and prorated to a maximum of one-third of the registration fee.

6U-8U COED Lacrosse (5-8YRS)

~ Between Oct 1st and Jan 31st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded the entire seasonal registration fee paid, less $25 for administrative purposes. ~ Between Feb 1st and Mar 1st any player withdrawing from a registered team will be refunded one half of the seasonal registration fee paid.* ~ After Mar 1st there will be no registration fee refund.* * Withdrawl due to Medical reasons: Refunds will be evaluated on a per case basis and prorated to a maximum of one-third of the registration fee.

Coaches Registration

If you are unable to complete the season, then your coaches discount will be charged.

High School Lacrosse


Waitlist - Mailing List

Waitlist does not guarantee a spot on the team. Sacramento Lacrosse will be in contact as spots on teams open. Contact with any questions.

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